Happy December to everyone! This is a season of giving, gratitude, thoughtfulness and love.
The veterans committee was involved in donating 80 full dinners to veterans through Patriots and Paws. This included 160 cans of green beans, 80 cans of sweet potatoes, 80 boxes of stuffing, 160 jars of gravy, 80 boxes of mashed potatoes, 80 cans of cranberry sauce, 80 large roasting pans, 80 reusable bags to carry food, 80 boxes of brownies and 90 frozen turkeys. It’s amazing to think what this food will do for families of all sizes... they will be able to cook and prepare with their friends and loved ones, be thankful and be able to spend time together without worrying about the cost.
Wreaths Across America is another way to honor a veteran. The veterans committee and SA Elks lodge #794 (all are welcome) will be laying wreaths on every veteran’s grave at Santa Ana Cemetery starting at 9:00 am on Saturday December 14. Please join us in placing the wreaths. It’s a very heartwarming experience.
It’s also that time of year for the Army/Navy game! This will be held at the lodge at 12 noon on December 14. As a thank you, veterans will eat for free. Stop by to see the Navy win! (haha, sorry I’m a bit biased) It’s always a great time!
Please remember to stop and ask someone if they need help. Be the one who listens if someone is in pain and do the best to help.
Happy holidays to all. I hope everyone has a wonderful time with friends and family and that each one of us does something to help someone else in need.
Birthdays/Observations in December:
Dec 7 1941 - Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Dec. 13, 1636 - U.S. National Guard Birthday
Dec. 14 - Wreaths Across American
Dec. 20 - Space Force was established.
The veterans committee invites all Elks, veterans and their families and friends to our Veterans’ Day program on Tuesday, November 12 at 7:00 pm when we will honor our nation’s veterans. A special meal will be offered from 4:30 to 7:00 pm. The AOCDS Pipe Band will be performing. This is a great event and we encourage you to attend. Below is a list of Santa Ana Elks Lodge #794 veterans. And while we'll be honoring veterans from throughout the county, we want to also recognize the veterans right her at home within our own lodge:
Accordino, Anthony
Alcaraz, Jim
Allan, David
Alvarez, Alfonso
Anderson, Nathan
Andrews, Donald
Avery, Dwight Dennis
Baccitich, David
Bacolot, Tony
Baker, Alden "Al"
Baldwin, Don
Balsamo, Robert J "Bob"
Barrow, Trent
Bartolomucci, James
Belville, Roger Edward
Bernat, Hubert
Berry, T Leon
Bicking, John
Black, Thomas
Blake, Randall
Blankenship, Donald
Bonk, Jim
Bostwick, Paul
Bottorff, Ronald
Bragstad, James
Breece, Dan
Brenner, Stephen
Broussard, Ana
Brown, Gordon
Bryant, Frank
Bryant, Raymond
Burggraf, - Veteran, Bob
Calvetti, Roy
Campbell, Jim
Capps, William
Carranza, Art
Casteix, John
Cavalli, Richard
Cesena, Albert
Chavez, Frank
Chavez, Jonathan Childre
Collins, F Maxcy
Conde, Ernesto
Condon, Warren
Cotton, Clay
Crooks, Kenneth
Crumpton, W Robert
Dakin, Terrence
Davis, Fred
Davis, Stephen
Day, John
Denmark, Charles
Dennis, Bernie
Desbiens, Richard
Dessort, Scott
Diaz, Juvenal
Dobson, Reginald
Dodge II, Ronald
Downing, Jr., Lloyd
Duplantier, Tyrond
Duran, Tony
Echternacht, Psp, Arthur
Ehart, William
Ellis, Seymor "'Sy'"
Ellison, Byron "Jerry"
Ennis, George
Feldman, Harris
Fernandez, Sr, Daniel
Fisher, Norman
Fisher, William
Fountain, Janine
Fragassi, Andy
Fratzke, William
Frierson, Edward
Gaido, John
Galvan, Abraham
Galvan, Jimmy
Garcia, Paul
Giglio, Stephen
Gonzalez, Agustin
Graff, Miles
Greene, Barclay
Grimm, James
Hart, Brandon
Hayes, Nicholas Alan
Helton, Robert
Hernandez, Ruben
Hernandez, Sam
Hess, John
Hicks, Jr., Jerry
Hoff, Robin
Hoffman, Richard
Holden, Paul Harvey
Horn, Richard
Hoskins, Gregory
Howard, Glen
Hubbert, Byron
Ibarra, John
Irby, Paul
Jackson, Robert
Jimenez, Moses
Jimenez, Phil
Kachirisky, John
Kerwin, Lawrence
Klarmann, Richard
Kuhns, Buck
Laneaux, David
Lassiter, James
Lee, Cynthia
Leonard, Troy
Leversen, Michael
Linares, Andrew
Litzen, Charles
Lorenz, Thomas
Love, Robert
Lynch Jr, Elbert Joe
Madrid, Richard Lee
Mallard, Tom
Mansfield, Robert
Marshall, Harold
Martin, Herbert
Marx, James
Mc Henry, Richard
McClintock, Joseph
McCoy, Shannon
Mendez, John
Mercer, Michael
Meyer, Alan
Miller, Kellie Anne
Miranda, Edward
Moeller, Ned
Montez, Pedro
Moore, Laura
Moran, Douglas
Moreno, Damian
Morrison, Kathryn
Muccino, Ronald
Mungia, Jr., Tommy
Murphy, Thomas
Murrow, Robert Michael
Ochoa, Damian
Olson, Robert
Oregon, Jr., Carlos
Ortiz, Martin Escalante
Ousley, Jr., Charles
Paolinetti, E Jim
Parrent, Guy Edward
Pellegrino, Kent Wesley
Peterson, James
Plotnik, Gregory
Plumlee, Charles
Pollock, John
Poole, Jerry
Prescott, George
Privett, Conrad
Ramirez, Manny
Ramirez, Martin
Ray, Ronald
Reger, Richard
Remolacio, Patrick
Rivera, Felix
Rivera, Javier
Riviera, Nicholas
Roberts, Edward
Robins, Gary
Rodella, Antonio
Rodriguez, Fermin
Rodriguez, Jess
Rodriguez, Paul
Rosholm, Don
Rubio, Edward
Ruedas, Richard Philip
Saenz, Lupe
Salata, George
Sanchez, Carlos
Sanchez, Daniel
Sanchez, Daniel Richard
Schartung, Roger
Schauwecker, Erwin
Schlappy, Alan
Serrano, Gerry
Severini, Anthony
Shubin, Edward
Sierra, Tomas
Sigala, Jonathan
Soruco, Cynthia
Sprenger, Curtis
Stanley, Earnest
Stine, James
Strode, James
Strychnine, Peiling
Teague, Dale
Tellez, Ron
Tobin, James
Tomkiel, William George
Trotter, Edgar
Tuttle, Alton Jack
Tyler, Mark
Utter, William
Valdivia, Daniel Raul
Von Rehder, Robert
Walker, Daniel
Walsh, Patrick
Watts, Jeffrey
Werner, Jeff
White, Samuel
Williams, Gary Paul
Wilson, Franklin
Winovich, John
Woodmas, Teddy
Woolston, John
Woolston, Phillip
Youssef, Maged
Zachan, Michael
Zahoryin, Mr, Ronald​
Zaitz, Robert