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Our Officers.

Lodge officers are elected by the membership every year to lead the lodge.  The four main officers positions are the Exalted Ruler, Leading Knight, Loyal Knight and Lecturing Knight.  Also elected yearly are the Lodge Secretary and the Lodge Treasurer and a Five Year Trustee.  The other positions are appointed.  Responsibilities of each position are listed below the list of officers. To contact any of our officers, just click on their photo.

Elected Officers

Elected Officers

Joe Rodriguez

Exalted Ruler


Brian Byrd

Lecturing Knight

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Mark Schauwecker

Leading Knight

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Linda Fernandez

Lodge Secretary

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Eli Morales

Loyal Knight

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Bill Capps

Lodge Treasurer

Appointed Officers

Appointed Officers


George Will



Ronnie Harrell

Inner Guard

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Sue McKay

Officer-at Large


James R. Austin

Assistant Tiler

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Linda Fernandez

Exalted Ruler Advisor

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Garlin Flynn



Cesar Grivalva

Assistant Inner Guard

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Karla Vigil


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Patrick Newell

Assistant Tiler

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Jeffrey Brumett

Exalted Ruler Advisor

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Tom Wyatt

Assistant Chaplain

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Evelyn Godinez



George Salazar


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Art Echternacht

Lodge Advisor



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Norm Fisher

1st Year Trustee

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Mike Flynn

2nd Year Trustee

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Lisa Darmousseh

3rd Year Trustee

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Buck Kuhns

4th Year Trustee/Chairman

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Dan Breece

5th Year Trustee



Exalted Ruler – The “President.” He/she is the Executive Officer of the Lodge and enforces and performs duties required by the Laws of the Order and the By-Laws of the Lodge. The ER appoints all committees and has general supervision over all matters pertaining to the Lodge.


Leading Knight – “1st Vice-President.” Assists the Exalted Ruler in the performance of his/her duties. Will officiate in the absence of the Exalted Ruler.


Loyal Knight – “2nd Vice President.” Second in command in the absence of the Exalted Ruler.


Lecturing Knight – “3rd Vice President.” Third in command in the absence of the Exalted Ruler.


The Exalted Ruler, Leading Knight, Loyal Knight and Lecturing Knight are “Chair Officers” and are members of the House Committee. Ideally, the Knight positions are rotated through the chairs in their respective order and become Exalted Ruler. In addition, the Knights perform any duties appointed to them or that is specified in the Laws of the Order or Lodge By Laws.


Secretary – Records minutes of Lodge meetings, maintains Lodge accounts, receives all monies and forwards to the Treasurer, reads/answers all correspondence, prepares/administers membership cards.


Treasurer – Receives all monies from the Secretary and gives a receipt, pays approved bills of the Lodge, maintains record of receipts and disbursements, and signs all checks.


Trustees – Cranberry Lodge has 5 Trustees. The Lodge Trustees control the funds and property of the Lodge and hold regular monthly meetings, keep a record of all investments and purchase all Lodge supplies, provide for an Accident Prevention Program and present an annual Lodge budget.


Tiler – Stationed at the door of the Lodge at all meetings, he/she permits no person to enter without previous announcement and permission from the Exalted Ruler.


Esquire – Is stationed to the right of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings. He/she organizes the Lodge, prepares candidates for initiation and introduces visiting members.


Chaplain – Stationed to the left of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings, he/she recites the opening and closing prayers, and performs the duties required by the Laws of the Order and By Laws of the Lodge.


Inner Guard – Positioned at the inner door during Lodge meetings, the Inner Guard allows only those qualified to enter.


The Chaplain, Esquire, Inner Guard and Tiler are appointed by the Exalted Ruler. All other positions are elected. All officers perform other duties as appointed or as required by the Laws of the Order or Lodge By Laws.


House Committee – The House Committee is made up of the Chair Officers (ER, Leading, Loyal and Lecturing Knights.) and the 5 Trustees. The House Committee controls the bar and social quarters of the Lodge. All decisions and actions of the House Committee are subject to the control and direction of the Lodge and its members by discussions and vote at Lodge meetings. The Exalted Ruler is the chairman of the House Committee.

Santa Ana Elks Lodge #794
1751 S. Elks Lane, Santa Ana, CA 92707 • (714) 547-7794
Lodge Hours
Closed Monday
Tues. through Fri., 9:00 am-6:00 pm
Saturday, 9:00 am-11:00 pm
Sunday, 9:00 am-6:00 pm

Food Service Hours
Closed Monday
Tuesday, 11:00 am-7:00 pm
 through Fri. 11:00 am-8:00 pm
Saturday, 9:00 am-8:00 pm
Sunday, 9:00 am-2:00 pm

Lounge Hours*
Closed Monday
Tuesday-Thursday, 11:00 am-11:00 pm
Friday, 11:00 am-1:00 am
, 9:00 am-1:00 am
Sunday, 9:00 am-3:00 pm (non-football)
*Closing hours  may vary depending on attendance
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